Monday, September 3, 2007

Empty .. still

Nongkrong dpan PC. Blom lama ni, tp udah jengah banget kyknya. Tp jg ga sgera branjak ke kmr buat baca bhn presentasi Rabu dan Jumat. GIMANA SEHHH? Apa sih yg km cari, Ran??

Oaaaaaaaaaaa. Kl aq tau apa yg ku cari, aq ga bakal setolol ini berjam2 ada di dpn PC!!!!

Penat nihhh. Tp juga nothing much I can do. So many limitations. Stuck in here and there!!!

I lose my battery. When I realize that, I'm wondering that I still need some1 in this life. DAMN!!!

Ceterus Paribus, and I still dunno why Decision Science seems like so tough to pass!!!!

HECTIC is the most proper word to capture these all. And I'm only human. Still have this angry, greedy things, and several devil's properties.

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