Sunday, August 5, 2007

10 things i hate 'bout a guy

I hate him when ...

1. He don't wanna understand what my truly dreams espc. in education field and my future careers.
2. He thinks that he knows everything in this whole world, including what's kinda food i'd like to order in the very new resto (pfyuhhh).
3. He thinks that i'm an easy-gal (NO WAY!!!).
4. He thinks that i can't be great in life without him.
5. He scores a gal only from the budzz (Don't u have any brain, dude??).
6. He can't stop speaking about his prestigious things of him.
7. He loves to insist what he wants in our life (Ouchh, c'on, u'r not my husband yet!!).
8. He loves to share the crunchy-joke while I'm feeling' so upset or not interested in.
9. He don't wanna share the important parts of his life, even to me!!! (Who am i 4u, hon??)
10. He would like to prefer his another object of pleasure when i really want to be noticed .

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