Here and There
People, how ya doin'? Kangennya ketemu bloggy! Huehehe.
Right now I'm in MSM Syndicate Room .. 2nd floor. Still. Meeting with some (crazy) mates, from sharing ideas to spreading the rumors. Huahahahha. In Ramadhan months? Come on, (normal) people can stop to talk. After the marriage day of Khrisna-Nita and Dika-Dita, what stuffs make us skip to listen and talk about newlyweds. And the story goes, dear ...
Mingle with Aino, the future young mommy in MSM 2007, directs us to strengthen the quote that "Boys will be boys" no matter what. Aino said like this, "Bayangin ... pas jaman pacaran, cowo begitu ngejar qta. Suka kasi banyak kejutan. Mau anter jemput, nemenin setiap waktu. Lah setelah married, nanyain kabar qta untuk 2 menit aja udah bersyukur banget. Sisa waktu dia pake buat donlot komik dan betah baca manga sampe sahur!" Listening this story makes half of bachelors and bachelorettes staring to each other. Either me! Imagining that my future husband just will be the same guy with that typical. Ughhhh! Awas aja!
Skip and jump in! Anyway, I need to prepare my self (and financial things) to face the International Conference in Surabaya and Hong Kong. Erasing 1 shot for finishing social conference in Baltimore, Maryland US makes me upset actually ... ughh pengen banget garapnya tapi ko jadi impossible project due to the time and my cash budget! Ga musykil abess! Belom lagi nabung buat sekolahhh! Argghhh, when will I have chance for preparing my marriage???
Allah SWT itu Maha Adil. Allah SWT just give the hurdle as strong as we can perceive. These words keep me survive in any matters and situations. Do everything in best and give the rest to God. What else we can do, toh???
So, friends ... let's fighting for this life. Keep your health, dudes ...
1 comment:
Awas naon? Awas awas awas...,minggir minggir minggir...ksi bagian kasurnya dwong...
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